Curriculum Structure

Curriculum Structure

General Education Courses2424
General Education Elective Courses99
Mandated Courses1717
Core Course1818
Professional Courses6060
Professional Elective Courses1212
On-the-Job Training66

Bachelor of Science in Information Systems

General Education Courses 24
Understanding the Self3 
Readings in Philippine History3 
The Contemporary World3 
Mathematics in the Modern World3 
Purposive Communication3 
Art Appreciation3 
Science, Technology and Society3 
General Education Courses 9
Filipino 13 
Filipino 23 
Logic and Critical Thinking3 
Mandated Courses 17
Life and Works of Rizal3 
P. E. 12 
P. E. 22 
P. E. 32 
P. E. 42 
NSTP 13 
NSTP 23 
Core Courses 18
Introduction to Computing3 
Computer Programming 13 
Computer Programming 23 
Data Structures and Algorithms3 
Information Management3 
Application Development and Emerging Technologies3 
Professional Courses 60
Fundamentals of IS3 
Professional Issues in IS3 
Organization and Management Concepts3 
Financial Management3 
Business Process Management3 
Enterprise Resource Planning3 
Evaluation of Business Performance3 
Systems Analysis and Design3 
Enterprise Architecture3 
IT Infrastructure and Network Technology3 
IS Strategy Management and Acquisition3 
IT Audit and Control3 
IS Project Management 13 
IS Project Management 23 
Human Computer Interaction3 
Quantitative Methods3 
Data Mining3 
Business Intelligence3 
Capstone Project 13 
Capstone Project 23 
Professional Elective Courses 12
IS Elective 1: Any web systems related course  
IS Elective 2: Any IS innovations related course  
IS Elective 3: Any data analytics related course  
IS Elective 4: Seminars and/or Field Trips  
On-the-Job Training (486 hours) 6